Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons
International Association (OPCMIA)
Bill joined the OPCMIA as an apprentice plasterer in July of 1975 and retired as a Vice President and assistant to the General President of the organization in 2018. The OPCMIA is the oldest Building Trades Union in America, chartered in 1864 and has its roots deeply established in the trade guilds of Europe and is representative of some of man’s earliest skills.
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
A member of ACI since 1998 where he served on the Plastering technical committee 524 and as a contributor to the ACI – Guide to Portland Cement Plastering. The American Concrete Institute is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials.
Walls and Ceiling Magazine
A former Contributing Editor for Walls & Ceilings Magazine offering a periodic column on plastering, training and trade unions from 2006 to 2014. Walls & Ceilings is one of the wall and ceiling industry’s premier publication. If you’re an interior or exterior wall and ceiling contractor, architect, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, you’ll want to check this site often. We cover all aspects of the industry: drywall, lath and plaster, stucco, ceilings and acoustics, Exterior Insulation & Finishing Systems (EIFS), fireproofing, steel framing and architectural decorative ornamentation, insulation, windows/doors, trims/moldings, spray textures and paints. To access some of my WC TrowelTalk columns click –> HERE.